The Sunday School grew in attendance within a year and the
church became incorporated in 1961. Over the years, the church had several Pastors to carry on the work and had seen growth and decline of membership. In 2005, the Pastor resigned and there was no one to lead the work. It was at that time the Lord called Pastor Compton E. Beaton into the ministry to continue the work at Grace Gospel Church. The Lord had left a remnant in Robert and Doris Scholz who were at Grace Gospel from its beginning and they came alongside Pastor Compton and family to support them and passed the mantle for them to carry on the work of the Lord.
The members in the congregation at that time were five adults and two children, and the Lord gave Pastor Compton the message of the feeding of the 5,000 using five loaves and two fishes. "But Jesus said to them, "They do not need to go away; you give them [something] to eat!""(Matthew 14:16 NASB). The Lord opened the door for Pastor Compton to attend Liberty University Baptist Theological Seminary and he was installed as the new Pastor on March 19th 2006.
We give God thanks and praise as He continues to build His church and allowing Pastor and the congregation at Grace Gospel to proclaim the Good News to the community and the world as they fulfill the Great Commission!